Slam Dunk is a Japanese Anime created by Takehiko Inoue. The story mainly revolved around Hanamichi Sakuragi and Shohoku Team Basketball. About Sakuragi Hanamichi, a freshman of Shohoku High School who joins the basketball team because of the girl he has a crush on, Haruko. Although he is newbie in this sport, he is no ordinary basketball player. Slam Dunk is a great anime and manga, from passion for basketball, to comedy, to plot, to execution this series has it all. The series centers around a 1st year High school kid Hanamichi Sakuragi who hated basketball in the beginning but joined the team to impress Haruko (A girl he has a crust on) but later develops a burning passion for the sports himself & he soon becomes one of the main players of his High School team. I hated the fact that they did not finish the comic book, i.e the original story line, but still. This series is a must watch for all the sports lovers. Even if you ever hated Basketball this series will make you love it. 💙
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All member of Shohoku Team: Takenori Akagi 4 Team Captain/Center Kiminobu Kogure 5 Shooting Guard/Small Forward Yasaharu Y...
Hisashi Mitsui (三井 寿 Mitsui Hisashi) is the starting shooting guard of the Shohoku team. Before the beginning of the series, he was the M...
Kaede Rukawa (流川 楓 Rukawa Kaede) is the small forward of the Shohoku team, and Hanamichi Sakuragi's rival. He is the polar opposite t...